
Welcome to Miss Granholm's blog! Here you will find information for the classes I teach. Please use this blog to help you be a successful math or guidance student and let me know via e-mail if you have any questions. Enjoy the blog and feel free to appropriately comment on any of the posts!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Guidance Weekend Extra Credit

This week in our Daily Devotions we discussed and reflected on PROCRASTINATION.  Your assignment is to read the article found at this link: http://www.causesofprocrastination.com/avoid-teen-procrastination.html and then e-mail to me a reflection following the criteria outlined below.  Please send your reflection as an attached Word document to granholmm@psmnow.com.  Please include your name and heading at the top of the document.  All e-mails must be received by 10pm Sunday night to be eligible for this extra credit.  The total points available are 10 bonus points added to your Homework Grade.  Please e-mail me with any questions regarding the assignment and have a great weekend.  I look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday.

  1. Describe in 5 complete sentences 5 helpful procrastination tips, key ideas, or facts from the article. (5 points)
  2. Complete Quick Tip #1. (2 points)
  3. Complete Quick Tip #3. (3 points)

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